Key Elements of Subsea Tiebacks

Tuesday, March 4, 2025  |  9:00 AM - 4:00 pm

*Additional Registration Required

Registration fee: $540.00 if registered by February 7, 2025; $620 thereafter

Plan to attend this one-day seminar designed to provide education on the key elements of subsea tiebacks – subsea, umbilicals, risers, flowlines (SURF). For registered professional engineers, this course counts for six (6) professional development hours. 


Karl Schnakenburg
Engineering Advisor & SURF System Practice Lead
Woodside Energy

Ron Ledbetter
Director of Subsea Engineering
Texas A&M

Julie Ingram
Director Engineering - Subsea and Floating Facilities

William Taggart
Taggart Engineering

Marlon Tesla
President and CEO
Tesla Solutions Inc. and Tesla Subsea Inc.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Introduction to the Subsea Sector
•    Course Overview
•    Offshore Developments
•    Why Subsea and Tieback Options
•    Development Decision Processes

Subsea Hardware and Flow Assurance
•    Subsea Production system hardware and configuration
•    Flow Assurance and subsea operations management 
•    Wellhead, Tree & Manifold Systems and integration

Subsea Control Systems
•    Subsea Controls (site visit) architecture, components, manufacture & test, operations
•    Subsea Umbilicals in oil and gas

Subsea Umbilical & Riser Systems
•    Pipeline, umbilical – Design and Manufacturing
•    Installation Methods

Subsea Commercial Management, Decommissioning and Future Developments
•    Subsea Production Handling and Commercial management
•    Decommissioning – summary of challenges
•    Future Technologies – Electrification, CFD, digitalisation

All SUT attendees are invited to attend the Subsea Tieback Forum networking reception
in the exhibit hall from 5:00 – 7:00 pm